
All People of Singular

Vanessa and Nathalie & Our Team

Vanessa and Nathalie & Our Team

The reason why we love the region where Nile Safari Lodge is situated is because of the people; their kindness and workmanship is incomparable.

Growing up in Uganda, many of our family holidays were spent in the National Parks; we love to discover new horizons and encounter new faces. The reason why we love the region where Nile Safari Lodge is situated is because of the people; their kindness and workmanship is incomparable.

Our business is composed of 5 siblings and parents who taught each and every child how to appreciate the simple things in life. As a family, the most memorable holidays and family time we spent were always in the garden, forest or parks, usually camping and always barefoot. When certain rules are put into place like ‘no TV before it’s pitch black outside’ or if it is raining heavily then you realise how much free time you actually have, and how many scars you can get from having such a vivid imagination! From a young age all of us siblings were very interested in animals (wild or house pets), plants and trees. We grew up with a forest behind our house, spending days on end in the forest appreciating all the birds and monkeys.

Every school holiday’s destination was a new national park, and when we had visited them all we returned to the ones we enjoyed. The most important thing for us when we would go on holidays was to be together as a family, spend all day in the pool and have nice campfires at night; this is where our strong bonds were formed.

From a young age we always wondered why everyone always preferred and talked about travelling to Kenya or Tanzania for Safari Experiences, yet we would always debate and market the beauty that Uganda has to offer. It’s only when we grew up and realised that people are travelling to our neighbouring countries due to the diverse accommodation options and packages on offer. When we identified this gap in the Ugandan market we were determined to offer Uganda’s first high-end, eco-friendly lodge.

We studied the existing market and the tendencies in the more developed countries and that is when we came up with our three leading words; exclusiveluxurious and eco-friendly.

Our future goals for Nile Safari Lodge are the following:

  • Create a community centre where our clients and the community get the opportunity to make crafts and share creative ideas.
  • Add another Villa, so we have a total of 10 rooms
  • Start a conservation program with Uganda Wildlife, to protect and raise awareness about Murchison Falls
  • Open a sister lodge in another beautiful location in Uganda.